Catégorie  Bourses d’études

Informations sur les Bourses d’études pour les étudiants africain

Sénégal : Calendrier de Paiement des Bourses

MINISTERE DE L’ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR DE LA RECIERCHE ET DE L’INNOVATION DIRECTION DES BOURSESREGIE DE PAIEMENT DES BOURSES COMMUNIQUE DE PAIEMENT La Régie de Paiement des Bourses porte à la connaissance des étudiants des établissements publics et privés d’enseignement supérieur, bénéficiaires…

CAMEROON : The Islamic University of Technology (IUT) Dhaka, Bangladesh, Under the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), is Offering a Number of Scholarships for the 2023/2024 Academic year.

INTERNAL COMMUNIQUE The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education announces to prospective and interested candidates that the Islamic University of Technology (IUT) Dhaka, Bangladesh, under the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), is offering a number of scholarships for the…

CAMEROUN : The Spanish Government Makes Available to the Cameroonian Government a number of University and Post-graduate Scholarships for the 2023/2024 academic year.

PRESSES RELEASE The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education hereby announces to the general public and prospective applicants that the Spanish Government through the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID) makes available to the Cameroonian Government a…